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  1. got out quickly on Saturday. Phew, can't stand Koutsy. And he thinks he's entering Cabinet. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  2. will never promote Leon Bignell to Cabinet. Pfft, he won't even survive the next state election
  3. is shuffling Carmel Zollo out and putting Tom Koutsantonis in. Shh, don't tell anyone
  4. Not even I would do what KRudd has done. What an extravagant waste of taxpayer dollars
  5. @Kevin_Foley Hahahahahahahahaha. Pfft, taxpayers!!!!!
  6. @Kevin_Foley I earn waaaaaaaay too much of taxpayers' money to qualify
  7. @Kevin_Foley What do you make of KRudd's stimulus plan....?
  8. tells everyone that he prefers hospitals to stadiums, but
  9. was turned down this morning
  10. is gonna smack Bob Such and Such on the bum
  11. is sitting pretty and comfortable in front of his taxpayer funded air-con
  12. @monnie "Fix-It" Pat Conlon needs to get onto that. But he's as useful as a screen door on a submarine
  13. @oliyoung And still Pat Conlon can't do anything right. He keeps breaking everything. Pfft
  14. @monnie Me? Oh thanks.
  15. welcomes Biggles to the fray
  16. @Kevin_Foley Hear hear!
  17. denies any rumour that I'm not Media Mike. Pfft, AdCon journos
  18. @Kevin_Foley Ah, yeah, of course, right. Yep, it's because I switched off the air-con at State Admin. Have you seen the movie, Liar Liar?
  19. is so hot right now
  20. is thankful that ALP HQ sent out postal vote forms on behalf of Geoff Brock. Phew


Dick Hardt Xeni Jardin Gavin Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Chris Joyner Susan Scrupski Serdar Kiliç Robert Brook Molly E. Holzschlag James Turnbull Chaitanya Sagar Mick Liubinskas Stowe Boyd Amadis Wann Doug Haslam Geoffrey Grosenbach Jonathon Andreas Lienemann Dina Matt Biddulph Euan Semple Michael Specht laurence timms Jon Husband Robert Scoble Andy Baio Paul Downey that grum guy! sizemore ben barren Stephen Collins Johnnie Moore Andrew Tetlaw Andy Todd Paul Johnston
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