12:15 AM 20/02/2009
I checked the google cache, and did a save/mirror for prosperity.
MikeRann google cache
Kevin_Foley google cache
9:51 PM 19/02/2009
So somebody has been playing funny games on twitter; playing the "MikeRann" character. This character parodied the Premier of South Australia, Mike Rann.
In a similar fashion to Fake Steve Jobs and Fake Chuck Westfall; it was obvious to all that this was not really Mike Rann.
This was a legitimate political satire carried out between 'sockpuppets', using twitter as the medium.
As of approximately 3pm today; These accounts vanished from twitter. I took some screen shots to show that these characters still exist in search, and hopefully will for a little longer.
There is possibly a google cache of these conversations.